Case Study | Rachael Altman | Public to Private Sector Transition
I am a very motivated self-starter, but I was feeling "off path" and I wanted to work towards discovering a more fulfilling life and career. I wanted to figure out how to combine my various interests, experiences, skills and goals, and apply them to my career and future career goals. I was searching for a job that would challenge me while fulfilling my passions and values. My goal was to make a career transition, but I did not have a solid set of goals to help guide me from my current position in a public library towards my ultimate goal of a research-based job in the corporate sector. I met Farhana through the Ellevate network (formerly 85 Broads) on LinkedIn. Farhana was the first to respond when I posed a question to the group about making a career transition from academia to the corporate sector. During my work with Farhana, I determined my core values and set achievable goals. Our work together pushed me outside of my comfort zone and allowed me to think critically about my personal and professional goals. I found Farhana to be the missing piece in my career transition--she served as a guide and solid foundation as I navigated this new journey. Success came my way thanks to dedication and determination and my ability to stick with it through thick and thin. I set goals and was committed to doing everything in my power to achieve those goals. Remaining positive and optimistic throughout the process was also crucial to my success. Each interview I had, I got better and stronger and more confident, and felt that I had a better handle on what I was doing and saying in those interviews. I am happy to say that I achieved all of my goals, including moving to Chicago and starting an entirely new career. |
After working with Farhana, I feel much more confident and take more ownership over my accomplishments and abilities. Coaching allowed me to work through difficult questions and problems. It helped me define goals and my core values. Ultimately, I recognize the power was within me to achieve goals and change my situation, but Farhana and other mentors helped guide me through this journey.
I now work as a Corporate Research Analyst at a large international accounting firm in Chicago. I feel a greater sense of confidence and ownership in my ability to succeed. I'm proud of my accomplishments and excited to see where the journey will take me. I've been in my new position for about 9 months and I couldn't be happier. I've had the opportunity to take on more responsibility and leadership on my team. I'm interacting with people all over the world on a daily basis, which presents the opportunity to research companies with international presence. I'm excited to come to work every day and work with a team in a collaborative, intellectually stimulating, and innovative environment. |
Case Study | Jackie Fornaro | Marketing Manager to Budding Entrepreneur
I was a young professional struggling with finding balance in my life. I felt stressed, drained and like I was not being the best possible version of myself. When I was not working, I was fantasizing about a life that was more in line with my values; one that allowed me to spend more time outdoors instead of 10+ hours of weekly commuting. I had entrepreneurial ambitions that were going unrealized because I could not figure out how to pursue my ideas (and maintain my sanity) while having a long commute and a full-time career. I tried out a few business ideas, but could never pinpoint exactly what my calling was. It was a difficult time. I feared change. I did not believe I had the power to make a change. |
My coaching with Farhana was challenging and transformative. She helped me get in touch with my core values and identify specific “pain points” that were standing in the way of the life I wanted. She helped me to see that my ideal life was possible at a time when I simply could not break out of the restrictive mindset which was holding me back. Many times in my journey, I was fearful of taking the leap, but Farhana gently pushed me, encouraged me and challenged me to explore what was possible.
I went from thinking and feeling that I “had” to live my life in a certain way – not disrupting my own status quo – to believing that I could take control and craft a life that honored my values, made me happy and allowed me to flourish both personally and professionally. Now, I have successfully transitioned to a place where I am more in control of my time. I cut my commute down from 10+ to 2 hours per week. I launched my own website, South Shore Saturdays, which I am growing into an online business. I am also the proud owner of a new home! I feel so full of possibility. I cannot thank Farhana enough for helping me find the courage to pursue my goals and my greater happiness on a path to having a business and life I love. |
Case Study | Arturo Noriega | Management Consultant to Social Entrepreneur
There was a time in my life when I would have described myself as an ego-driven, self-important, corporate management consultant. Yet I was unhappy and unfulfilled. A burning desire to make a difference in the world began to grow in me. In 2009, my life began to change after I met Farhana. At the time she was doing peer coaching and advising while running her non-profit, C.E.O. Women. I learned that before I could lead a non-profit organization, I needed to reflect upon my leadership, my beliefs, and my value system. I needed to realign myself with what I really wanted out of life and what truly made me happy, free, and creative. My process of change took discipline, self-love, reflection and self-discovery that led me to a place of peace, compassion, and vision. |
Today I am a leader, a purposeful professional with a social agenda to alleviate poverty. I started an innovative non-profit called Centro Community Partners in Oakland, California, U.S.A. that provides entrepreneurship education and access to capital to underserved women and minorities. Given my values of social justice, harmony, and community, I now serve entrepreneurs in North America, Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Through my travels I have learned to see the world as it really is. I honor my Peruvian parents who immigrated to the United States and whose struggles of starting a new life in America fills my heart with love and humility. Farhana was a constant reminder to me of what I truly valued in life, what was most important to focus on – global equality. She has honed her natural coaching skills over the years of practical experience into what is now Surf Life Coaching TM to make an impact. If you work with Farhana, your life will change, as did mine. |